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Acompanhantes travestis em Singapore, Singapore

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I'm your TS "ELLA" from Philippines and now exploring new fantasies and romance towards satisfaction here in MALAYSIA. I'm 26 years of age and born on the month of July which represents "A Good Kisser". Telegram - @ellalicious69 Wechat ID - bellamaldita14 Line ID - hotellainaction I have fair skin and a bit chubby/average body type that make me"Huggable". I have round and sparkling eyes which can be our light on darkness and sorrows. I'm a graduate of a good course in college and been in Business Process Outsourcing/Callcenter field for the past 10 years. I spoke English well and have a good communication skills. I'm a hardworking skilled employee way back. I can assure you good companionship from me and entertainment through good conversation. No dull time and boring moments. My bright mind can allow us to share thoughts and views in life. I have one purpose of interacting people and that is to make an unforgettable and memorable moments with me. I’m versaTOP big tits and ass
26 Y/O
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